Monday, May 28, 2012

it's hard to look right at you baby.

Currently am soaked in the exam week.
I spent my entire weekends slogging away, trying to get some lecture notes into my head. It was last minute studying so I had to sacrifice a lot of my sleep and I can't blame anyone. I just couldn't get my motivation back till days before exams and that was when I realised I am probably running out of time for exams. It was definitely not fun to begin with, and in fact, I prefer to be memorising bio than the stuff that I had to memorise lately.
And I'm feeling so nerdy lately, going everywhere with my specs, staying at home with just books and I'm even lazy to dress up anymore.

But nevertheless, one paper down and I'm left with two.
Fingers cross that I will do fine.
I just can't wait for this week to end.

Most likely am going to welcome my june holidays by watching MIB3 with SIM gals right after the last paper on 1st of june. Going to stay in starbucks with my fave vanilla latte/java chips and a good book that Stefanie has lent me. Some room shopping after exams. clearing up a few corners of my room, throw away a few soft toys, tidy up and decorate it. Meeting up with 4e3'11. Meet up with my two primary school friends. And probably a chalet with 1e3'08. YMCA dinner. A shopping date with my mom next week. I'm stoked and all pumped up for holidays. :-)

I'm just praying hard that all the plans will not end up crashing one another / get cancelled and that everything will turn out fine.

For now, I have to stay focus for exams.

Will be back by friday which is my ......
LAST day of exam.